薔薇など Flowers and Trees

薔薇など Flowers and Trees

Summer Roses of My Garden 2022 – Growing roses in pots on a balcony of my flat

I love growing roses in pots on a balcony. These are the summer roses photos of 2022. 今年の夏ばらの写真です。
薔薇など Flowers and Trees

Spring at its best in Tokyo

Spring at its best in Tokyo. Some pictures of Sakura, also spring flowers of my balcony garden
薔薇など Flowers and Trees

Small Roses Garden 2021- Growing Roses in pots on a balcony of my flat

I love growing roses in pots on a balcony. These are the roses photos of 2021. 今年咲いたバラの写真です。
薔薇など Flowers and Trees

Autumn Flowers in Tokyo: Higanbana and Kinmokusei

Booming Higanbana and Kinmokusei tells the arrival of Autumn in Tokyo